A. Loyalty consists of a friend, who will stick by you ,through thickand thin.B. More often than not, your deposits gain interest, an interest inyour well-being and welfare.C. They, will attend your party and celebrate you,just in the way abest loyal friend should do.D. You should never exploit your B. L, F. to gain more friends ormake yourself seem more important to others.E. However,this new trend may lead to disasters.F. If the answer to that is,"I don't know"。more than likely, theywill not be your best friends forever.
It can be inferred from the passage that England is rarely hit byhigh magnitude earthquakes.( )
C、Not mentioned
A. aboutB. differentC.asD. wayE. notF. truthG. childrenH. enoughI. howJ. washK. passL. released